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I obtained this device some time ago, quite excited to get an actual 'anal pear'. With the comments from other viewers I have used it both anally and vaginally on my lg slave sluts with success. The important factors: - use a condom over it, saves you cleaning time - the rubber ring is only for shipping and should be removed - the mechanism is not "smooth" but works better with water-based lube - the locking pin is *very* easy to unscrew.
The double ended style of this dildo is fantastic, because it offers you versatility. That said, the larger end is far more achievable than you may think. With ball ends of 27mm and 45mm, there’s quite a difference, but stainless steel is so easy to use, and requires very little, if any, added lubrication. You can also use any lubrication you chose with stainless steel, which is great if you prefer silicone over water based. Like temperature play? If you do, stainless steel is your best friend! It can either be warmed up in warm water, or cooled down in cold water or the fridge (not the freezer, you don’t want freezer burn!), depending on your preferences, and it holds it’s temperature really well. You may expect it to feel similar to a glass toy, but it’s in a whole different league. For me, stainless steel is always much colder straight out of the box than glass, and it retains warmth or cold much more effectively than glass does. The sheer weight of it really adds to the experience too, something which glass just doesn’t offer. It’s suitable for both G-Spot and P-Spot stimulation too, and because it can be sterilized, you can really share the love!
So, how does it feel in use? FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC! It’s like this thing has sat-nav to my G-Spot … the curve, and the weight, and the unrelenting hard surface, means it never fails to hit my sweet spot, and almost always instantly. The smaller end is where I initially started, but it’s the larger end that keeps me going back for more now, it’s incredible. The pressure it exerts on my vaginal walls is just pure bliss, and my G-Spot responds to it effortlessly, hitting me with that familiar ‘I need to pee’ sensation in super quick time, it’s a squirty girl’s dream! It’s like this dildo has a secret form of communication with my body, that I don’t really understand, but my body conforms and falls at the metaphorical feet of this toy … It’s the Vag Whisperer! You may think I’m exaggerating a little there … I’m not!
The curve of the metal is extreme enough to give great internal stimulation, but isn’t so harsh that it becomes impossible to thrust with. Which is music to my ears, because not being able to thrust with this dildo would be practically criminal! I love how it effortlessly brings me close to orgasm, without any annoying scrapes or pulls that can sometimes happen with silicone – there’s absolutely zero drag with stainless steel. I like to pair it with some clitoral stimulation when I’m alone, which makes for some explosive orgasms, and when I’m not alone? Well I just let CK do whatever he pleases with it, and me, and I’m never left disappointed!
I have to acknowledge that it’s not going to be for everybody though. If you dislike or get no pleasure from G-Spot stimulation, then you might want to give this a miss. Equally, if you struggle with heavier toys, then I can tell you, you won’t like this. Despite it’s similarities, the Alpha Male 3 Stimulator is heavier than an njoy Pure Wand, by almost 300g, so it’s a big chunk of metal loveliness! I love the weight, and the sheer feelings of delight, as it strokes and rubs at my sweet spots, is enough to outweigh any arm-ache issues for me.
Because it’s non-porous, hypoallergenic, and odourless, stainless steel is a breeze to care for. It’s simply a case of cleaning it with hot soapy water or sex toy cleaner, just make sure the soap you use has no chlorine in it. It’s also advisable not to bleach it. There’s no reason why it won’t last a lifetime if cared for properly, so whilst it might be more expensive, stainless steel offers you longevity in bucket loads!
I bloody love it! If you like hard, sexy, G-spot or P-spot seeking sex toys, buy one!
This dildo is great for going deep deep inside of you
This dildo is great for going deep deep inside of you. Go slow and keep a little lube ready, it will go in until it almost disappears entirely. Great feeling, perfect size, slides right in, very heavy.
Der absolute Analanfänger wird schon nach wenigen Anwendungen feststellen, dass der Durchmesser eigentlich zu gering ist. Der Plug vom Daumen dringt mit seinem spitzen Kopf angenehm leicht ein, mit dem Plug vom Ringfinger lernt der Anus kennen, dass auch dickere Köpfe genussvoll Einlass finden. Später wird dieser Plug mit seinem Ring auf einen Finger aufgesetzt bestimmt gern zum Vorwärmen der Anusmuskel angewandt werden.
Mit dem Dildo-Pranger von MEO bringen Sie Ihre Lieblings-Fantasien in die Realität und setzen dominante BDSM-Szenarien um. Ein stabiler Standfuß sorgt für einen festen Halt der Dildo-Stange. Fixieren Sie Ihren Partner in stehender Position. Ziehen Sie die Teleskopstange anschließend so weit aus, bis der ausgewählte Dildo oder Plug komplett eingeführt ist. Ihr Partner wird dadurch gezwungen die Stellung zu halten, während Sie den Anblick ganz in Ruhe genießen. Die Dildostange wird zusammen mit zwei unterschiedlichen Aufsätzen geliefert! Der klassische Plug sorgt für ein ausfüllendes Vergnügen. Dank der konischen Form dringt der Plug sanft aber bestimmt ein. Der glänzend polierte Dildo stimuliert mit drei dicken Kugeln intensiv alle vaginalen und analen Hotspots. Standplatte und Stange bestehen aus pulverbeschichtetem Metall, die Dildos sind aus Aluminium gefertigt. Alle Komponenten lassen sich einfach zusammenbauen und nach der Verwendung wieder auseinandernehmen, um die Dildo-Stange platzsparend zu verstauen.
Meine Augen strahlten mit dem Toy beim auspacken um die wette. Das Große schwere Analtoy sieht einfach unglaublich aus und fühlt sich brachial an. Die glatte Oberfläche ist der Hammer. Und Edelstahl hat immer noch die Möglichkeit mit Temperaturen oder estim zu spielen. Love it!