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Ofertas de córneres 24 horas: Nuevas ofertas cada día - muy reducidas. Descubre las ofertas flash, las ofertas del día, los chollos, las ofertas y los cupones.
Was very easy to install. The price was very reasonable and it arrived sooner than I expected. Very pleased overall and would buy more items from MEO in the future.
Un cockring esthétique et pratique, le coup de coeur j'en parle
Je crois que j'ai rarement eu un coup de coeur sur un produit depuis longtemps, et là je suis vraiment conquis, il est esthétique, pratique à passer aussi pour des debutants car vous pouvez le faire glisser le long de la verge , puis faire passer la peau du pendant des testicules entre les deux billes puis c 'est enfilé ! Idem pour le quitter en sens inverse !
BREF un tres bon et beau produit ! Allez voir ma video ou sur mon Blog M'sieur jeremy
Erzeugt extreme, sehr geile Gefühle. Schöner Schmerz und zwar nicht dosierbar. Der große Nachteil ist, daß die Clinging Claws nur für Männernippel geeignet sind
When used with ball stretchers, for example, this steel weight will help the testicles stretch and hang lower. You can even use it with devices that have D and/or O-rings to give them a bit more weight during use.
Parfait pour tout le monde ( anal et vaginal) j'ai fait une vide
J'ai fait une vidéo pour expliquer sur youtube/pornhub Msieurjeremy . Le modele est très stable et peu bruyant ! La distance de pénétration est de 8cm, il y a un dildo de fourni qui est de 18cm sur 4.5 cm de large I have made a video on my socialsmedia and youtube channel Msieurjeremy, this fuckmachine is perfect for anal and vaginal, movement is of 8 cm and a dildo is sold with the machine.
Petite deception , il n'est pas vendu à part d 'autre modeles, mais il est possible de mettre des gode vac u lock ou Hung system , mais pas trop gros ( lourd) , il est dommage que la marque ne vendent pas de systeme pour les godes ventouses ou les masturbateurs
Little shame, only possible to use with vac u lock or hung system dildo ( not too big)
This lube is silicone based. I admit, I was a silicone lube virgin until I popped the cap on this stuff, and I wish I’d tried it well before now. I have problems when it comes to any kind of penetration in water, but those problems are a thing of the past for all but silicone toys. I’m not brave enough to even do a patch test, just in case I melt anything.
I was surprised by how runny it is. Being inexperienced with silicone lube, I tipped the bottle and ended up with stained bedsheets when it came whizzing out. I’d expected it to be much like AQUAMEO, but I was wrong.
Using it in water is pretty much a dream come true. For clitoral play, it didn’t dry up during either vibrator or skin-on-skin contact, and when it came to penetration I didn’t have to use half a bottle like I always do with water based lube, so thumbs up for that.
Using it out of water is pretty spectacular too. My vagina always feels tight and draggy whenever I squirt, and with water based lube things can get a little chafey, especially if I’m not the one making the magic happen. The fantastic glide FUCKSLUT offers has put an end to that, making an already wondrous event that little bit more special.
Habe es im Intimbereich ohne Probleme angewendet und werde es weiter benutzen. Ich kann es nur weiterempfehlen und bin froh, dass die leidige Rasiererei nicht mehr notwendig ist.
I unfortunately have small balls, and I do what I can to make them appeal more tp my sex partners.I keep them shaved and when I fuck I wear cock ring and ring around my balls.The ball stretcher really makes my shaved balls standout when hard. I get alot of looks when I wear it in the gym shower room.