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Desde 18
Las páginas siguientes están destinadas sólo a adultos. Al INTRODUCIR confirmas que tienes al menos 18 años.
This critically acclaimed penis extender has the ability to enlarge the penis length by 25%. Innovatively designed and stylishly crafted, it boasts supreme quality and durability. Using traction as a means of enlargement, it causes the cells to multiply, thereby allowing the capacity of the tissue to increase and cause the penis to grow. Not only does it aim to increase the size of your penis, it also has the ability to correct penile curvatures and it is reported to improve penile deviations by 70%.
Rough, Baby! Für alle die es (wie wir) mal gerne etwas härter mögen und dabei auch Stahl auf der Haut spüren wollen definitiv die richtige Wahl. Alles top verarbeitet, keine hakeligen Übergänge und man ist definitiv richtig gut "in Ketten" gelegt. Gefühl und Optik einfach top!
Number one choice for professionals and enthusiasts alike!
I had the pleasure of trying MEO's Deluxe Bondage Straps, and wow, they are a game-changer! These straps are not just about binding; they're about elevating the entire bondage experience. First off, the variety in lengths is a dream come true. It means you can tailor your session to any scenario or body type. The adaptability is fantastic! The black straps, lined with blue leather and matching stitches, are not just functional but also stylish. They strike the perfect balance between classic and edgy. Comfort and ease of use are top-notch. They're sturdy yet gentle, ensuring a secure hold without discomfort, even in longer sessions. And talk about durability! These straps feel like they're built to last a lifetime. In summary, MEO's Deluxe Bondage Straps are a blend of quality, comfort, and style. For anyone looking to step up their bondage game, these straps are a must-try. They truly are the number one choice for professionals and enthusiasts alike!
Bucurati-va de o explozie de parfum si culoare cu Cocktail Editions, bucurati-va de o piscina cu un lubrifiant de lux. Slube este un gel care vine sub forma de cristale. Cand se adauga in apa calda, cristalele se despart, formand un lubrifiant corporal incredibil de neted si senzual. Puteti folosi Slube pentru orice, de la o experienta relaxanta in cada, pana la masaje senzuale! Slube acopera complet pielea, reducand nevoia de reaplicare si reducand frecarea dintre dumneavoasta si partener. Lasa pielea moale si revigoranta. Slube retine, de asemenea, caldura in apa, astfel vei avea mai mult timp pentru a te juca si nu este nevoie sa umpli in continuare cu apa calda. Folosirea cristalelor in cada Folosirea Slube este usoara! Umpleti cada, conform instructiunilor incluse, adaugati cristalele in apa si urmariti cum incepe gelul sa se formeze. Dupa ce ati terminat joaca, adaugati mai multa apa pentru a o dilua, apoi scoateti capacul de la cada. Folosirea cristalelor in alte moduri Va sugeram sa adaugati cateva linguri la apa calda intr-o sticla din plastic impreuna cu cristalele. Apoi, agitati pur si simplu sticla si in cateva minute, lubrifiantul pentru corp parfumat si colorat este gata pentru a fi aplicat! De asemenea, il puteti amesteca intr-un recipient, de exemplu, daca il utilizati pentru masaj. Din nou, cateva linguri de apa calda ar trebui sa fie suficiente. Vrei o joaca alunecoasa intr-o piscina? Se amesteca intr-o galeata si se toarna! Vrei o consistenta mai groasa? Doar adauga mai multe cristale! Ai nevoie sa fie mai subtire? Adauga mai multa apa! Este minunat sa experimentezi cu Slube si sa obtii exact ce doresti.